On this page you’ll find a whole series of 360° photos. The advantage of these photos is that you can move around the scene and look all around you.

Don’t hesitate to move around inside the images, you’ll be surprised to discover just how far the photographer has gone for his shots (especially at the bottom of the campsite).

As the number of photos is limited, we’ve tried to give you the essentials so that you can get an idea of the campsite’s location, its setting and the view from our accommodation.

And don’t forget to admire the clouds – our lovely Brittany had reserved its most beautiful cumulus clouds for the occasion.

How to use 360° images

To move: you can click on the arrow or in the image to move in the desired direction.

To look around you: click in the image and keep the left click pressed, then simply move the mouse as if it were your gaze.

Waterfront mobile home

Mobile home sea view

The washrooms

The lower part of the campsite: bar, kayak hire, slipway